Kelmarsh Hall Get Together and Spares Day 2021
Since I got my first one, I've always wanted to participate in community events focused around the car I had at the time. When I got my first Beetle, I attended small meets at the Humber Bridge car park and learned a lot about the platform, so naturally, when I heard about Kelmarsh Hall's Morris Minor Get Together and Spares Day, it was a real and proper opportunity to meet like-minded people and their Moggies - Whilst also scoring on a few cheap bits and bobs! If I'm ever going to be attending an event, I'll always post about it on my Instagram @Eugenethemorris beforehand, so if you drop me a follow, don't be afraid to offer to say hello! Because of this, I was able to meet one of my favourite Moggies and owners at Kelmarsh, as well as spot a few more that I follow! So here's a little bit about the weekend... The journey there With Eugene not being the healthiest running Moggy at the moment, Jessica and I opted to go in Torsten, which would make it my first ...